=== Appointment Red === Contributors: priyanshumittal Tags: full-width-template, threaded-comments, two-columns, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, sticky-post, custom-menu, translation-ready, blog, footer-widgets, featured-images Requires at least: 4.5 Tested up to: 6.4 Stable tag: 1.3.8 Requires PHP: 5.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Appointment Red is the child theme of Appointment theme. Give it a try you will love it === Description === A Business theme which is ideal for creating a corporate / business website. Appointment Red theme is a child theme of appointment theme and it is the Red color variation. Appointment Red theme comes with Spanish translation. Other translations / locals yet to come. Theme has couple of extra templates makes it even more powerful. In the appointment red child theme, a new header variation and a different service section variation are there that are not in the parent theme. == Installation == 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance > Themes and click the Add New button. 2. Click Upload and Choose File, then select the theme's .zip file. Click Install Now. 3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away. == Keyboard navigation == Keyboard navigation is working properly in the forward direction by using the tab key. For the reverse direction, Shift+Tab key is working on all the parent menus and if the dropdown menus are open then it is working on it. The focus is moving back to the parent menu having submenus from the next menu in a reverse direction. == Widgets == In WordPress 5.8, the default widget title is showing in the H2 tag if you want you can change it in the H3 tag. == License == Appointment WordPress Theme, Copyright (C) 2013-2024, priyanshumittal Appointment WordPress Theme is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL Appointment Red WordPress Theme is a child theme of Appointment Theme, Copyright (C) 2015-2024, priyanshumittal Appointment Red WordPress Theme is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL == Changelog == @version 1.3.8 1. Added separator in sidebar & footer widget area. @version 1.3.7 1. Updated font-awesome library. @version 1.3.6 1.Updated copyright text as partial editable. @version 1.3.5 1. Added Post navigation section. 2. Added Related Post Section. @version 1.3.4 1. Fixed service section clearfix issue. @version 1.3.3 1. Fixed the issues with PHP 8. @version 1.3.2 1. Updated some strings. @version 1.3.1 1. Fixed theme check warnings. 2. Fixed widget design issues with WordPress 5.8. @Version 1.3 1. Added custom color & typography features. 2. Changed typography of the theme. @Version 1.2.5 1. Removed the Google plus social icon. @Version 1.2.4 1. Fixed footer copyright empty markup issue. @Version 1.2.3 1. Added condition for pingback_url. @Version 1.2.2 1. Removed default value like '#' from social icons. @Version 1.2.1 1. Added the parent theme license in the readme file. 2. Changed the tested up to in style.css and a readme file. @Version 1.2 1. Implement the Accessibility including skip to content and keyboard navigation. 2. Changed the screenshot image. 3. Changed the Header section variation and Service section variation. 4. Fixed escaping and sanitizing issues. 5. Fixed all the other issues. @Version 1. Add alt tag on logo. @Version 1. Update string. @Version 1.1.9 1. Fixed copyright footer setting issue. @Version 1.1.8 1. Update string. @Version 1.1.7 1. Update Author URI and Theme URI change http to https secure. @Version 1.1.6 1. Updated Theme Description. @Version 1.1.5 1. Update Pagination Color. @Version 1.1.4 1. Updated Strings. @Version 1.1.3 1. Added Spanish Locale. @Version 1.1.2 1. Solved Responsive issue. 2. Add Title Tag Support. 3. Update Theme Tag. @Version 1.1.1 Changed Theme URI. @Version 1.1 1. Add Default pagination 2. Solved Styling issue. @Version 1.0.1 1. Text Domain Issue is resolved. @Version 1.0 Released. Feel free to use as you please. I would be very pleased if you could keep the Auther-link in the footer. Thanks and enjoy. == External resources == Custom control - Image Radio Button Custom Control: Copyright: Anthony Hortin License: GNU General Public License v2 or later Source: https://github.com/maddisondesigns/customizer-custom-controls == Images == * Image used in the screenshot License CC0 Public Domain https://pxhere.com/en/photo/912411