19.8.2013 - version 0.2.1 * Updated Hybrid Core to version 1.6. * Menu + sign updated for sub menus. Not using image anymore. * Chat post format updated. * .pot file added. * Finnish translations added. * style.min.css added. 4.1.2013 - version 0.2 * Updated Hybrid Core to version 1.5. * Remove global layout from theme settings. Note! This might mean that you have to set global layout again under Appearance >> Customize. 23.10.2012 - version 0.1.4 * Updated Hybrid Core to version 1.4.3. * Most viewed widget added. * Customize support for 1 column layout. * Gravity Form CSS HTML5 input types added. * Blockquote height: 100% removed. It was for IE7 and I have dropped suport for that. 5.9.2012 - version 0.1.3 * Oh what a rookie mistake. .gitmodules file removed. 2.9.2012 - version 0.1.2 * Hybrid Core updated to 1.4.2. * Added Polish translations. * Slider image padding taken off from left and right. * Dequeue Pullquote Shortcode plugin styles and add them in style.css. 31.7.2012 - version 0.1.1 * Better code in theme customize and settings page when choosing global layout. * Arrows fixed back to normal. They were replaced by ?-mark when compressing style.css. * @link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2701192/ascii-character-for-up-down-triangle-arrow-to-display-in-html 18.6.2012 - version 0.1 * Everything is brand new.