Path WordPress theme

Path is a parent theme for WordPress.

This theme is a parent theme. All modification should be made via a child theme.


Path is built on Hybrid Core framework. I can't thank enough Justin Tadlock who has created it. This theme rolemodel is My Life theme, so check out all the Hybrid Themes.

Child themes

Path is a parent theme, so create a child theme for any customizations.

 * Theme Name: Path Child
 * Theme URI:
 * Description: Describe your child theme.
 * Version: 0.1
 * Author: Your Name
 * Author URI:
 * Tags: Some, Tags
 * Template: path

After that you might want to import all the styles from parent theme.

@import url( '../path/style.css' );

/* Custom code goes below here. */

This is officially-supported way of modifying themes in WordPress.

Note! If you want to use media queries in child theme and support them in browsers like IE7 and IE8, you should copy and paste css rules from parent theme style.css to child theme style.css and remove line @import url( '../path/style.css' );

Remember to change all the url like this.
background: url(../path/images/menu-plus.png) no-repeat 0 0;

Supported plugins

Co-Authors Plus

Theme is designed for multi-author blogging or magazine style websites. Theme filters byline so that all authors are displayed if Co-Authors Plus is installed. And theme also adds author metabox under every article, displaying all authors. You can also add Twitter username in user profile.

Smart Archives Reloaded

If Smart Archives Reloaded is installed and active, it automatically do its magic in Archives page template.

Social Path

If Social Path is installed and active, you can share your posts on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook. Plugin adds these buttons after singular post.

Gravity Forms

Path includes base CSS for Gravity Forms plugin. CSS can be found in the middle of the style.css.

Theme Settings (Appearance »» Theme Settings)

Set logo

Set logo under Appearance »» Header. Suggested logo size is 300 x 99 (in pixels). Image size is flexible so you can try different image size. Theme is using Header images only for logo, not header images. Of course you can remove default logo and Blog name will be displayed.

Set background

Set background under Appearance »» Background.

Change default layout

Path theme has two column layout by default, content on the left and sidebar on the right. You can change this default layout under Appearance »» Theme Settings. You can overwrite this in post editor by choosing layout for that certain post:

Footer text

You can change Footer text in Footer Settings metabox.

Theme customize

You can also customize theme in live preview using WordPress customize. Check it out under Appearance »» Customize. It's pretty cool.

Page Templates

There are several page templates in this theme. They are located in page-templates folder. If you need to overwrite page templates in a child theme, create subfolder page-templates in child theme and copy certain page template in that folder and start modifying.


Path uses FlexSlider in Slider page template and in home page. Only sticky posts are shown in Slider, so if you want to see it in action you need to use some sticky posts. Recommended image size is 660 x 300 (in pixels). It's safe to use WordPress featured image as slider image but it's not necessary if you have attached images in posts. It graps the first one automatically. get_the_image extension is used to do all the magic.

Action Hooks reference

With action hooks you can add your custom code in a certain points in the theme. If you open header.php for example you'll see this line of code:

<?php do_atomic( 'open_body' ); // path_open_body ?>

It means that you can add your code in that spot without modifying header.php file. You do it using child theme functions.php. Add this inside setup function.

add_action( "{$prefix}_open_body", 'my_open_body_code' );

And this after setup function.

function my_open_body_code() {

	echo 'My code';


Here are all the hooks used in Path theme.

Theme support

Support for the Path theme is not offered on the WordPress support forums. There is a community called Theme Hybrid where support is offered for this theme. You are encouraged to sign up to the site to use its support forums and become a part of the community.


Path is build on Hybrid Core framework by Justin Tadlock.

Theme uses

Copyright & license

Path is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL).

This theme is copyrighted to Sami Keijonen.

2012 © Sami Keijonen. All rights reserved.